March 2016 Update from Peter & Mary

We’ve just finished our tour through California and Arizona with a St. Patrick’s day show yesterday. Now we are sitting under our personal palm tree in the cool of the evening looking at the stars above the trailer. Jenny the dog has had a big walk and we’ve been watching the tiny desert rabbits with the so long ears enjoying the clover in the moonlight. It’s always amazing down here, with the myriads of beautiful birds and birdsong, including the mourning doves who are around every day with their soft call, and the quail who are also regular visitors. The giant cacti are very green at present, as is much of the desert, and the flowers are starting to explode! The skies are so clear here that with a new moon you can still see the entire circle. It’s been a great tour, with concerts, our comedy’pub’ nights, and a kids’ show again in California. Now we have two days to wrap up and get on the road north for a busy Easter and Spring……

Thanks so much and we will be in touch again soon. Should be home on Thursday.
Love Mary and Peter

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